Pylint prefers list comprehension over filter...

Christopher Reimer christopher_reimer at
Sat May 7 15:17:39 EDT 2016

On 5/5/2016 6:37 PM, Stephen Hansen wrote:
> On Thu, May 5, 2016, at 06:26 PM, Christopher Reimer wrote:
>> Which is one is correct (Pythonic)? Or does it matter?
> First, pylint is somewhat opinionated, and its default options shouldn't
> be taken as gospel. There's no correct: filter is fine.

Since the code I'm working on is resume fodder (i.e., "Yes, I code in 
Python! Check out my chess engine code on GitHub!"), I want it to be as 
Pythonic and PEP8-compliant as possible. That includes scoring 10/10 
with pylint. Never know when an asshat hiring manager would reject my 
resume out of hand because my code fell short with pylint.

For my purposes, I'm using the list comprehension over filter to keep 
pylint happy.

Thank you,

Chris R.

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