Fastest way to retrieve and write html contents to file

DFS nospam at
Mon May 2 02:47:01 EDT 2016

On 5/2/2016 2:05 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Monday 02 May 2016 15:00, DFS wrote:
>> I tried the 10-loop test several times with all versions.
>> The results were 100% consistent: VBSCript xmlHTTP was always 2x faster
>> than any python method.
> Are you absolutely sure you're comparing the same job in two languages?

As near as I can tell.  In VBScript I'm actually dereferencing various 
objects (that adds to the time), but I don't do that in python.  I don't 
know enough to even know if it's necessary, or good practice, or what.

> Is VB using a local web cache, and Python not?

I'm not specifying a local web cache with either (wouldn't know how or 
where to look).  If you have Windows, you can try it.
Option Explicit
Dim xmlHTTP, fso, fOut, startTime, endTime, webpage, webfile,i
webpage = ""
webfile  = "D:\econpy001.html"
startTime = Timer
For i = 1 to 10
  Set xmlHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP")
  xmlHTTP.Open "GET", webpage
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set fOut = fso.CreateTextFile(webfile, True)
   fOut.WriteLine xmlHTTP.ResponseText
  Set fOut    = Nothing
  Set fso     = Nothing
  Set xmlHTTP = Nothing
endTime = Timer
wscript.echo "Finished VBScript in " & FormatNumber(endTime - 
startTime,3) & " seconds"
save it to a .vbs file and run it like this:
$cscript /nologo filename.vbs

> Are you saving files with both
> tests? To the same local drive? (To ensure you aren't measuring the
> difference between "write this file to a slow IDE hard disk, write that file
> to a fast SSD".)

Identical functionality (retrieve webpage, write html to file).  Same 
webpage, written to the same folder on the same hard drive (not SSD).

The 10 file writes (open/write/close) don't make a meaningful difference 
at all:
VBScript 0.0156 seconds
urllib2  0.0034 seconds

This file is 3.55K.

> Once you are sure that you are comparing the same task in two languages,
> then make sure the measurement is meaningful. If you change from a (let's
> say) 1 KB file to a 100 KB file, do you see the same 2 x difference? What if
> you increase it to a 10000 KB file?

Do you know a webpage I can hit 10x repeatedly to download a good size 
file?  I'm always paranoid they'll block me thinking I'm a 
"professional" web scraper or something.


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