Python Array

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Thu Mar 31 01:56:36 EDT 2016

On 31/03/2016 06:34, tdsperth at wrote:
> I am creating the following
> aData = []

This is a Python list, not an array as the subject gives.

> # get my data from database
> for row in rows:
>   aData.append({row["tierid"]:"name":row["tiername"],"description":row["tierdesc"],"option":row["tieroption"],"price":str(row["tierprice"])}})

Please cut and paste your code, don't try to type it in.  The above 
gives a syntax error at the second colon, which should presumably be a 

> when I display the output the order the data was entered is not what is displayed
> {'BBS': {'option': 'Small', 'description': 'Broadband Bundle', 'name': 'Broadband', 'price': '179.00
> {'BBM': {'option': 'Medium', 'description': 'Broadband Bundle', 'name': 'Broadband', 'price': '215.0
> {'BBL': {'option': 'Large', 'description': 'Broadband Bundle', 'name': 'Broadband', 'price': '295.00
> as you can see the option element was added third but is the first one displayed.
> Is this just standard - I am using Python 3.5

Yes, as you are using a standard dict within the list.  There is 
which retains the insertion order.

> Regards
> Colin

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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