[OT'ish] Is there a list as good as this for Javascript

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Sat Mar 26 18:01:15 EDT 2016

On 26Mar2016 02:36, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <PointedEars at web.de> wrote:
>Ned Batchelder wrote:
>> Chris, I apologize for Thomas.
>How dare you to speak for me,

Because it is something you never say: sorry for my rudeness.

>and *again* the rest of the subscribers?

He speaks for me at least, on this topic. I was tempted to say this yesterday 
after Ned, but didn't because his words were well chosen. But now:

Chris, I too apologise for Thomas' tone. With one or two exceptions, I have 
found this to be one of the most civil and welcoming fora on the net and hope 
you get good help and discussion here.

>There is nothing to apologize for when I am *helping* someone by giving them
>useful information.

Items of useful information shielded behind concealing walls of apparent anger 
and contempt. That is not a helpful delivery style, and it actively drives away 
new people.

May I recommend the film "Harvey"? As the lead character says at one point: "I 
used to be smart. I recommend nice." I used to be something of a hothead 
myself; I hope that I have matured.

>Politeness is another thing you should try sometime, as I see that, your
>having no valid argument at all, you like to throw dirt instead.

Your previous tone makes this admonition ineffective. Based on my samples, Ned 
is far beyond you in politeness.

My personal practice is usually to leave post that offend or disparage or 
otherwise have an agressive tone alone, or to snip the rant-like sections and 
address _only_ the technical content to try to keep the discussion on topic and 
civil. But not always, as evidenced here.

Thomas: your tone and delivery _is_ unhelpful to others, and comes across as 
hostile, at least to my eyes and evidently to others.

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

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