Bug in embeddable code or in my code?

Sgoodman siminfrance at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 14:12:02 EDT 2016


When I run the code below, I manage to execute certain python code but not some simple imports.

For example, the code below... (I removed some error checking/reference checks for brevity)

    // ...
    Py_SetPath(L"path\\to\\python35.zip"); // embeddable from the python site.
    PyThreadState *mainstate = PyThreadState_Get();
    PyInterpreterState* mainInterpreterState = mainstate->interp;
    PyObject *main_module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
    PyObject *main_dict = PyModule_GetDict(main_module);
    PyObject *local_dic = PyDict_New();
    const char* s = "import ctypes\n";
    PyObject * PyRes = PyRun_String(s, Py_file_input, main_dict, local_dic);
    PyObject* ex = PyErr_Occurred();
    if (NULL != ex)
      //  didn't work, import error.
    // cleanup...
    // ...

I can do some imports, ("import sys" for example), but most of the others do not work, "import ctypes" for example.

Any suggestions as to what I might be missing?


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