Bash-like pipes in Python

Marko Rauhamaa marko at
Thu Mar 17 08:44:08 EDT 2016

Sivan Greenberg <sivan at>:

> If I understand correctly, the binary right or overloading that's seen
> here can be applied to any other computational objects.
> I could also think of implementing it for input / output pipes
> overloading the __ror__ method with .communicate() method of the Popen
> object [0].

I'm thinking it's all of the above and more!

At the bottom is the generic pipelining of generators.

Then there's the special case of integrating external commands with the
generic framework:

    cmd('cat /etc/passwd', stdin=None) | List

(Is "stdin=None" needed?)

Then there's the enriching of data formats. The line-based delineation
is old-school and unsafe, and should be considered for legacy only. The
internal data format is arbitrary Python object sequences, but
externally, JSON should be preferred. Thus, we'll need converters
from/to JSON.

What is still missing is the true generator lambdas:

    produce_data | (
        lambda name, value:
            yield value) | \

as in bash:

    produce_data |
    while read name value; do
        echo $value
    done |


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