Encapsulation in Python

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 10 09:04:39 EST 2016

On 10/03/2016 13:41, Ben Mezger wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been studying Object Oriented Theory using Java. Theoretically, all
> attributes should be private, meaning no one except the methods itself
> can access the attribute;

I suggest that you read 
http://dirtsimple.org/2004/12/python-is-not-java.html and 

> public class Foo {
>      private int bar;
>      ...
> Normally in Java, we would write getters and setters to set/get the
> attribute bar. However, in Python, we normally create a class like so;
> class Foo(object):
>      bar = 0
>      ...
> And we usually don't write any getters/setters (though they exist in
> Python, I have not seen much projects making use of it).

Python programmers in the main see getters/setters as unneeded, time 
wasting boilerplate.

> We can easily encapsulate (data hiding) Foo's class using the '_'
> (underscore) when creating a new attribute, however, this would require
> all attributes to have a underscore.

No, this is merely a convention that can be worked around if you really 
want to.  The same applies to the use of the double underscore.

> According to this answer [1], it's acceptable to to expose your
> attribute directly (Foo.bar = 0), so I wonder where the encapsulation
> happens in Python? If I can access the attribute whenever I want (with
> the except of using a underscore), what's the best way to encapsulate a
> class in Python? Why aren't most of the projects not using
> getters/setters and instead they access the variable directly?

You have misunderstood.  The '_' is just a convention that says, "this 
is private, please keep your mitts off".  There is nothing to stop a 
programmer from using it.

> Regards,
> Ben Mezger
> [1] - http://stackoverflow.com/q/4555932

I suggest that you reread the stackoverflow link that you've quoted, and 
take great notice of the response from Lennart Regebro, even if it has 
been downvoted.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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