Pyhon 2.x or 3.x, which is faster?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Mar 7 17:33:21 EST 2016

On 3/7/2016 6:54 AM, Andrew Jaffe wrote:

> Dumb question, and this probably isn't the place for it, but the three
> Pythons being tested are:
>   64-bit CPython on Li... latest in branch '2.7'
>   64-bit CPython on Li... latest in branch '3.5'
>   64-bit CPython on Li... latest

 > I understand that the first two are the released 2.7 and 3.5
 > versions; is the third the most recent 3.x build?

I am rather sure that none are released versions and that all three 
refer to the current tip ('latest') of each branch in the repository, 
with third being the default branch.

Terry Jan Reedy

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