Python3 http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler static files

Tal Bar-Or tbaror at
Thu Mar 3 02:38:04 EST 2016

Hello All,

I need to create simple web server i am using following http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler The class along with the web content is as follows structure

main folder | 
            |_httplocal <web content folder |files and python module

            [.]                    [..]                   app.js                            [AvRescue]             bower.json             [bower_components]     [img]                  index.html
remediationstat.json   style.css           [__pycache__]

from main script i import it as follows , which reside on main folder

from localhttp import LocalUiHttp

The module i wrote is as follows below , the issue i have is that when i am init the class and from browser i get directory listing instead of the index.html and other content i have My question is how can specify to the web where the content reside? Please advice Thanks

class LocalUI:

 def HttpLocalSrv(self):

    PORT = 8000

    Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

    httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)

    print("serving at port", PORT)

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