run code error with numpy and scipy

meInvent bbird jobmattcon at
Thu Jun 9 02:02:05 EDT 2016

when i run code in window has an error not a valid win32 dll

then i install scipy first in this site, then install numpy-mkl
all python 2.7 and win32

then i run code below, got error , and captured screen in this link

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from functools import partial
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

def emsvd(Y, k=None, tol=1E-3, maxiter=None):
 if k is None:
  svdmethod = partial(np.linalg.svd, full_matrices=False)
  svdmethod = partial(svds, k=k)
 if maxiter is None:
  maxiter = np.inf

 muhat = np.nanmean(Y, axis=0, keepdims=1)
 valid = np.isfinite(Y)
 Y_hat = np.where(valid, Y, muhat)

 halt = False
 ii = 1
 v_prev = 0

 while not halt:
  U, s, Vt = svdmethod(Y_hat - muhat)
  Y_hat[~valid] = ( + muhat)[~valid]
  muhat = Y_hat.mean(axis=0, keepdims=1)
  v = s.sum()
  if ii >= maxiter or ((v - v_prev) / v_prev) < tol:
   halt = True
   ii += 1
   v_prev = v
 return Y_hat, muhat, U, s, Vt

A = csr_matrix([[1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 3], [4, 0, 5]])

np.nanmean(A, axis=0, keepdims=1)

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