Recommendation for GUI lib?

Nick Sarbicki nick.a.sarbicki at
Tue Jun 7 03:22:28 EDT 2016

> Qt Designer is certainly a good GUI builder, but not more than that.
> When you actually want to use the designed GUI in Python, you will find
> that this needs almost as much know how and work as if you did the GUI
> in code.

I think that's a bit of an unfair statement. Sure conversion can be a bit
of a pain and there is some setup for getting the classes working. But that
is generally a small static piece of code you can find all over the net,
which is then usable for most projects.

The code you get from Qt creator however can be a huge bulk of the work
which you thankfully don't need to nitpick over much at all.

Yes understanding how it works helps a lot and I'd recommend anyone to have
a look at how to build a decent GUI with Qt.

But for me, once past the understanding, coding GUIs by hand is about as
dull as it gets. Qt creator definitely makes the work go faster.

- Nick.


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