Spreading a class over multiple files

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Jun 5 06:57:45 EDT 2016

On Sun, 5 Jun 2016 06:14 pm, Mark Summerfield wrote:

> You're quite right! For some reason I have a blind-spot about mixins, but
> they are the perfect solution. Thanks:-)

They really aren't :-)

Just yesterday on an unrelated thread I linked to a long discussion about
multiple inheritance, mixins and traits. See links here:


To my mind, if you have to split a class over multiple files, it probably
does too much. The "God Class" that Peter referred to is an anti-pattern:


but if you still need to split your class over multiple files, this is how I
would do it:

# file a.py
class Zeus_King_Of_The_Gods:  # *wink*

    from b import throw_lightening
    from c import turn_into_a_shower_of_gold

    def turn_into_animal(self, animal='bull'):

# file b.py
def throw_lightening(self):

# file c.py
def turn_into_a_shower_of_gold(self):

Notice that in files b and c you define the functions with an explicit self,
even though they are at the top level.


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