Call function via literal name

TUA kai.peters at
Fri Jul 29 16:35:03 EDT 2016

Rather than do this:

        if test['method'] == 'GET':
                res = requests.get(test['endpoint'],    auth=test['auth'], verify=False)        
        elif test['method'] == 'POST':
                res =['endpoint'],   auth=test['auth'], verify=False, json=test['body'])        
        elif test['method'] == 'PUT':
                res = requests.put(test['endpoint'],    auth=test['auth'], verify=False, json=test['body'])        
        elif test['method'] == 'DELETE':
                res = requests.delete(test['endpoint'], auth=test['auth'], verify=False)        
        elif test['method'] == 'HEAD':
                res = requests.head(test['endpoint'],   auth=test['auth'], verify=False)  

I would like to call the requests method that corresponds to test['method'] by finding that function by name - how can I achieve that?

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