
Dave Farrance df at see.replyto.invalid
Fri Jan 15 10:02:12 EST 2016

sam Rogers <samlro2 at> wrote:

>  I have downloaded python 2.7  with no problem. It works. I am trying to get pyserial to work. I have tried many different solutions. I am not  sure if it works or not. How can I be sure? I am using windows 7.  I did not see any help at Can you help?
>PS my goal is make this adafruit project work.

Before using Python, have you verified that the IDE talks on the serial
port OK -- and that you can upload the simple blink sketch from its
provided examples and that you can change the blink rate of the LED?

Having done that, can you establish 2 way communication with Python?
What happens if you try the simple test script below? You will need to
change the "dev" line to whichever port you're using.

// Arduino sketch to echo serial port strings
char buf[81];     // max 80 chars + null
int siz = 0;      // size of input string
void setup(){
void loop(){
  siz = Serial.readBytesUntil('\n',buf,80); // get input string
  if (siz == 0) return;                  // if timeout, loop again
  Serial.print("I heard: ");             // reply with some text and
  buf[siz] = 0;                          // must add null terminator
  Serial.println(buf);                   // return original string

#!/usr/bin/env python2
import serial,time
# LINUX PORT -- change to "COM1" or whatever for Windows
dev = "/dev/ttyACM0"
ser = serial.Serial(dev, 9600, timeout=1)
time.sleep(2)                   # Arduino starts in ~1.6s
while True:
  mystr = raw_input("Enter text max 80 chars: ")
  if mystr == '': break         # terminate prog with <enter>
  ser.flushInput()              # flush input just in case
  ser.write(mystr + '\n')       # send newline-terminated string
  txt = ser.readline(80)        # read newline-terminated string
  print len(txt),"chars: ",txt, # \r\n included so add final comma
ser.close()                     # close port

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