
Dave Farrance df at see.replyto.invalid
Fri Jan 15 07:20:09 EST 2016

Stallone Carl <smallboynana at gmail.com> wrote:

>I am currently using python 3.5.0 and I have been trying to write a program
>using turtle but is not seem to be working. I have followed all tutarial on
>the web and when i compare it with my code my am duing everything the same
>way but it still don't seems to be working I tryed repairen python but
>still no difference. Please help me.

OK.  Which tutorial?  What did you try?  What went wrong?  Was there an
error message?  If there was, what was it?

When learning something on a computer, start with the simplest possible
example.  Only when that's working do you move on to more complex stuff.
So with turtle graphics, start by writing a program that draws just one

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