cross-platform logging.config: how to set cross platform log (handlers) file location?

berteh at berteh at
Tue Aug 9 06:56:56 EDT 2016


My python script should run on Linux, Win and MacOS, but I can't find a way to have logging.conf configuration that works out of the box accross all these OSes.

I don't want my users to have to edit configuration files manually.

If I use a "linux-like" handler configuration such as below it fails on Windows when the script is run from a directory from which the user has no write access (ie any subfolder or C:\Program Files, that is the default install location)


And if I use a "windows-like" file location it fails (of course) in Linux and MacOSX


One option would be to set the location dynamically in the system temp directory (from tempfile.gettempdir())... but I can't find a way to change the location of the handler loaded via config module.

Any piece of advice on how to achieve cross-platform logging that does not require a modification by the user?


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