Debugging (was Re: Why not allow empty code blocks?)

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Thu Aug 4 14:37:47 EDT 2016

Making repeat a keyword would have such an extremely high cost
that it is out of the question and not a sane proposal.
To start with, it is used in two major, widely used APIs.

itertools.repeat + 50 uses in other itertools and tests
  + all the imports and and uses of repeat()
  in code all over the world.

timeit command line option
timeit.timeit(..., repeat=3) parameter name
timeit.repeat() function  + tests
  + all the scripts (some in other languages) using 'repeat'
  as a command line option and all the python code using
  the parameter or function.

There are other C-coded public APIs that use repeat.  One in xml.etree 
was revealed by the grep hit for the Python-coded test.

Other places in the *Python-coded* stdlib that would break.

distutils\ 141:         self.repeat = {}
lib2to3\fixes\ 8: operator.repeat(obj, n) ...
lib2to3\ 105:         repeat = None
lib2to3\ 139: def compile_basic(self, nodes, repeat=None):
lib2to3\tests\ 4494:         b = "operator.repeat(x, n)"
test\ 533:             repeat = {repeat}
test\ 539:     def func(timeout, repeat, ...
test\ 1784:      for dumper, loader in 
product(self.modules, repeat=2): 373:       def repeat(x: T, n: int) -> Sequence[T]:

Terry Jan Reedy

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