How to parameterize unittests

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at
Fri Apr 15 07:43:22 EDT 2016

Op 15-04-16 om 11:10 schreef Steven D'Aprano:
> If you have code which is not parameterized, and you want to parameterize
> it, you have to refactor. Unit tests are no different from anything else.

I don't agree with that. If I have a piece of code that I want to parameterize,
Often enough all I need to do is shift the code to the right. Prepend a def
line and use a parameter with the same name as the more global variable I
was using before. I don't need to change access to the variable in the code.

If python would treat class variable as a scope between methods and the
rest, something equally simple might have worked here. But that is another

[Sensible suggestions removed.]

Antoon Pardon

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