Looking for feedback on weighted voting algorithm

justin walters walters.justin01 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 22:37:13 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm looking for feedback on the below vote weighting algorithm which
includes sample input. This is written in Python3.

def weight(votes):
    Takes a list of tuples in the form of '(vote %, weight)' where vote %
is the
    rating that a user gave and weight is the number of votes it counts as.

    Returns the average score based on votes and vote weight.

    sum_of_votes = 0

    num_of_votes = 0

    for vote, weight in votes:

        sum_of_votes += vote * weight
        num_of_votes += weight

    score = sum_of_votes/num_of_votes

    return score

if __name__ == '__main__':

    votes = [(72, 4), (96, 3), (48, 2), (53, 1), (26, 4), (31, 3), (68, 2),
(91, 1)]


Specifically, I'm wondering if this is a good algorithm for weighted
voting. Essentially a vote is weighted by the number of votes it counts as.
I realize that this is an extremely simple algorithm, but I was wondering
if anyone had suggestions on how to improve it. Thank you for your time.

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