Import graphics error

Nicolae Morkov morkovnicolae at
Tue Apr 5 12:26:04 EDT 2016

*Import graphics error*
I copied the code below from Python for Everyone page 67.....

# This program creates a graphics window with a rectangle. It provides the
3 # template used with all of the graphical programs used in the book.
4 #
6 from graphics import GraphicsWindow
8 # Create the window and access the canvas.
9 win = GraphicsWindow()
10 canvas = win.canvas()
12 # Draw on the canvas.
13 canvas.drawRect(5, 10, 20, 30)
15 # Wait for the user to close the window.
16 win.wait()

**This is the error I get* *

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1, in <module>
from graphics import GraphicsWindow
ImportError: No module named 'graphics'

*Following the instructions I copied The graphic modules by John Zelle in
Python folder in Lib folder *
**And when I installed graphic library the error was :* *

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1, in <module>
from graphics import GraphicsWindow
ImportError: cannot import name 'GraphicsWindow'

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