How can I install

Steven D'Aprano steve at
Mon Apr 4 22:07:09 EDT 2016

On Tue, 5 Apr 2016 05:51 am, Mohamed Ali wrote:

> I have tried to install python and nltk but I couldn't. Please could you
> please help me because I need to work on natural language processing using
> Python.

There are about ten thousand different things that could be going wrong, "I
couldn't install" doesn't give us any of narrowing the problems down. We
can't read your mind. You have to tell us what you did and what went wrong.

What operating system are you using? Linux, Mac OS, Windows, FreeBSD,
OpenBSD, Android, something else? What version?

How did you try to install the packages? What did you do? Did the
installation appear to work? Was there a problem? Did the computer print an
error message, or crash, or BSOD? Catch fire?

If you get an error message, COPY and PASTE the error, in full. Don't
summarise, and especially don't retype it from memory. Don't send a
screen-shot: people won't be able to see it.

If the error message has been localised into some language other than
English, please provide the original error, and a translation into English,
if you can.

What happened when you try to run Python? How are you running it?

- type "python" into a command shell?

- double-click an icon on the desktop?

- choose "Python" from the Start menu?

- something else?

The more detail you can give, the better the chances we can help you. If you
give no detail, we can give no help.


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