PY3.5 and nnumpy and scipy installation problem

Ek Esawi esawiek at
Sat Sep 26 07:54:04 EDT 2015

Hi Steven,

Thank you for the prompt response. What I meant by not working is the
following: once I had py3.5 working, I downloaded numpy and scipy and
unzipped them. After that I tried to install them. But there is no install
file for either. There was a setup file which I thought would do the same.
However, when I double clicked it, it showed a python window for a sec and
that’s all.

When I went to IDEL and typed import numpy as np I got the following error
message which suggests PY did not find numpy.

>>> import numpy as np

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>

    import numpy as np

ImportError: No module named 'numpy'


Thanks again, EK
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