pygame basic question

Dave Farrance df at see.replyto.invalid
Tue Sep 8 10:01:17 EDT 2015

"ast" <nomail at> wrote:

>DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300))
>pygame.display.set_caption('Hello World!')
>The first line opens a 400x300 pygame window.
>The second one writes "Hello World" on top of it.
>I am just wondering how function set_caption finds the windows
>since the window's name DISPLAYSURF  is not passed as
>an argument

As it says, there is only *one* display surface, and any non-displayed
surface must be blitted (copied) onto the display surface for
visibility.  So all "pygame.display" methods refer to that one display
surface.  Non displayed surfaces, on the other hand, do need to be
instantiated with "pygame.Surface"

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