variable scope of class objects

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Oct 19 20:03:43 EDT 2015

On 10/19/2015 7:19 PM, sohcahtoa82 at wrote:

> Class variables are accessible without creating an instance of a class.  Also, changing the value of a class variable affects ALL instances of that class.  This is because the variable belongs to the class itself, not any of the instances of that class.
> "self" is used to tell the interpreter that the variable/function you are accessing is a member of an instance of that class.

Wrong.  The first parameter of a method is an instance of a class.  It 
is conventionally called 'self' but could be any other name.  I use 's' 
for quick private test examples.

> Here's an example:
> class MyObject(object):
>      count = 0
>      def __init__(value):

This should be def __init__(self, value):

>          MyObject.count += 1
>          self.value = value
>      def printStuff():

       def print(self):

>          print("My value is ", self.value)

 > a = MyObject('a')
In 2.7.10
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
Please run code before posting.

Terry Jan Reedy

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