Enum class

Joseph L. Casale jcasale at activenetwerx.com
Thu Oct 15 10:38:54 EDT 2015

>>>> import enum
>>>> class M(enum.EnumMeta):
>...     def __contains__(self, value):
>...         print("checking", value)
>...         return super().__contains__(value)
>>>> class Colors(enum.Enum, metaclass=M):
>...     red = 1
>...     green = 2
>...     blue = 3
>>>> Colors.red in Colors
>checking Colors.red
>Is that what you're asking for? If not can you give an example?

Hi Peter,
That is exactly what I was referring to, I just wondered if I overlooked some way to apply it
after the initial meta class built the instance. It appears not...


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