Python for Dummies exaple

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Wed Oct 14 08:47:06 EDT 2015

Chris Angelico wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 8:55 PM, NewsLeecher User <newsleecher at>
> wrote:
>> #class example
>> class SayMyName:
>>     def __init__(self, myname):
>>         self.myname = myname
>>     def say(self):
>>         print "Hello, my name is", self.myname
> Side point: This is a poor example for _any_ Python. In Py2, that
> makes an old-style class, which will work fine until you try to use a
> feature that it can't handle, and then you'll wonder what on earth is
> wrong. And in Py3, the print calls need their parens. But it's a
> pointless example of a class, which leaves you wondering why a better
> example couldn't be found...
> Definitely look for a better book, preferably one aimed at Python 3.4 or
> 3.5.

If I were to write a book about Python 2 I would defer the "always inherit 
from object" mantra until the features that require newstyle classes are 
introduced. In any way, judging a book from one example you disagree with is 
premature. Personally I expect to find many minor nits in the most excellent 

OP, the differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are big enough to make the 
attempt to learn one with a book using the other a rather displeasant 
experience. Either switch to a book that is geared at Python 3 (recommended, 
particularly if you speak a language using non-ascii letters) or install 
Python 2 and run the examples from your current book with the older 2.7 

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