IPython Notebooks to Learn Python

Rémi Rampin remirampin at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 11:21:13 EDT 2015

2015-10-08 13:49 EDT, Rajath Kumar <rajathkumar.exe at gmail.com>:

> I have written IPython Notebooks to learn Python interactively. I have
> covered all the basic concepts and it is everything one needs to get
> started with the language.
> Do check it out : https://github.com/rajathkumarmp/Python-Lectures

I only went over this very quickly, but it looks like this is completely
Python 2-specific. Also, your code would benefit from following PEP8. Your
classes are old-style which is really not recommended (especially in Python
2!). You also seem to like coming up with your own names for Python
concepts instead of using the common, documented names (like "implicit
argument" -- why?).

As it stands, I don't see the value in this when compared to the official
documentation <https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/index.html>. Why not work
on improving that, or converting it to notebooks?

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