reading from a txt file

Pedro Vincenty vincentypedro at
Thu Nov 26 20:24:38 EST 2015

All were really helpful thanks a lot.  Now I'm interested in identifying a particular index after being able to print out each word.  Printing each word to the console I have : 

['1', '24932U', '97049B', '15319.57839525', '.00000058', '00000-0', '00000+0', '0', '9994']
['2', '24932', '9.9015', '42.7484', '0001500', '224.8381', '52.7416', '1.00266716', '66645']

It seems awkward because I was expecting to have brackets only outside of all the words.  I would like to identify one of these words.  Thanks again!

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