Late-binding of function defaults (was Re: What is a function parameter =[] for?)

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at
Thu Nov 26 03:31:55 EST 2015

Op 26-11-15 om 02:52 schreef Ned Batchelder:
> I almost started to explain about how yes, Python is often written in
> conservative static ways. I was going to mention that a little dynamic
> nature goes a long way, and is never far from the surface in even the
> simplest Python programs.
> But I won't, because I'm not sure you're really interested.  There's a
> pattern here of people trying to explain Python to you, and eventually,
> after many words, getting to some kind of shared understanding, only
> for you to shrug it all off as a fad, or pocket-lining, or needless
> complexity.
> For someone who claims to be interested in language design, you're
> remarkably dismissive of pretty much the entire industry.  I don't think
> it's worth the effort to try to change your mind.

I agree. I still think the regulars tend to react in a too defensive way
when someone rather new dares to find fault with some python aspects. But
if someone comes here and can't get over their bizarre first impression of 
some python aspects then there is not much reason to continue the discussion
with them either.


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