Screen scraper to get all 'a title' elements

Grobu snailcoder at retrosite.invalid
Wed Nov 25 18:33:48 EST 2015

On 25/11/15 23:48, ryguy7272 wrote:
>> re.findall( r'\<a[^>]+title="(.+?)"', html )
[ ... ]
> Thanks!!  Is that regex?  Can you explain exactly what it is doing?
> Also, it seems to pick up a lot more than just the list I wanted, but that's ok, I can see why it does that.
> Can you just please explain what it's doing???

Yes it's a regular expression. Because RegEx's use the backslash as an 
escape character, it is advisable to use the "raw string" prefix (r 
before single/double/triple quote. To illustrate it with an example :
	>>> print "1\n2"
	>>> print r"1\n2"
As the backslash escape character is "neutralized" by the raw string, 
you can use the usual RegEx syntax at leisure :


\<	was a mistake on my part, a single < is perfectly enough
[^>]	is a class definition, and the caret (^) character indicates 
negation. Thus it means : any character other than >
+	incidates repetition : one or more of the previous element
.	will match just anything
.+"	is a _greedy_ pattern that would match anything until it encountered 
a double quote

The problem with a greedy pattern is that it doesn't stop at the first 
match. To illustrate :
 >>> a = r'".+"', 'title="this is a test" class="test"' )
'"this is a test" class="test"'

It matches the first quote up to the last one.
On the other hand, you can use the "?" modifier to specify a non-greedy 
pattern :

 >>> b = r'".+?"', 'title="this is a test" class="test"' )
'"this is a test"'

It matches the first quote and stops looking for further matches after 
the second quote.

Finally, the parentheses are used to indicate a capture group :
 >>> a = r'"this (is) a (.+?)"', 'title="this is a test" 
class="test"' )
 >>> a.groups()
('is', 'test')

You can find detailed explanations about Python regular expressions at 
this page :



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