Generate a random list of numbers

Seymore4Head Seymore4Head at Hotmail.invalid
Fri Nov 20 00:09:19 EST 2015

On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 15:38:36 +1100, Steven D'Aprano
<steve at> wrote:

>On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 03:05 pm, Seymore4Head wrote:
>> Why does a work and b doesn't?  What I was trying to accomplish with b
>> is to get a random list (of random length) that could have digits
>> repeat.
>> I got idea for both methods from the Internet.  I do see that one uses
>> brackets and the other doesn't, but I don't know the difference.
>> import random
>> for i in range (5):
>>     a = random.sample(range(10), random.randrange(3,6))
>>     print a
>Break it up, step by step.
>range(10) produces a list from 0 to 9. random.randrange(3, 6) produces a
>single integer from 3 to 5 (6 is excluded). Let's say by chance it produces
>the number 4.
>Then random.sample takes the list, and the integer 4, and selects 4 values
>at random from the list. Say, something like this:
>[8, 6, 7, 0]
>Note that random.sample does NOT repeat selections. The numbers will always
>be unique.
>> for i in range (5):
>>     b = [random.randrange (10), random.randrange(4,8)]
>>     print b
>As above, run through this step by step.
>random.randrange(10) produces a single number at random between 0 and 9 (10
>is excluded). Let's say it picks 8. 
>random.randrange(4,8) produces a single number at random between 4 and 7 (8
>is excluded). Let's say it picks 5.
>Then b is set to the list [8, 5].
>This list will always have two items.
>If you want a random number of digits that might repeat:
>[random.randrange(10) for i in range(random.randrange(1, 21))]
>will produce a random number between 1 and 20 (21 is excluded). Let's say it
>picks 6.
>then range(6) produces the list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and "for i in range..."
>will iterate over those values. Although i is not used, this ends up
>looping 6 times.
>For each loop, random.randrange(10) produces a random digit between 0 and 9
>(10 is excluded). So we end up with something like:
>[6, 4, 2, 2, 6, 9]
>for example.

That works.

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