Why doesn't this method have access to its "self" argument?

Robert Latest boblatest at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 19 11:13:44 EST 2015

Hi all,

I'm still trying to find a simple way to implement a method (but not the
full class) in C. Suggestions I have recived so far are good, but seem to be
over the top for such a (seemingly) simple problem. I came up with the idea
of implementing the class in Python, and just setting the method after the
actual class definition. See example below. The "py_method" is added to the
class later on, and it seems to become a proper method of the class (and its
instances) just as if it had been defined inside the class itself. Of course
it also has access to its "self" argument.

If I do the same thing with a method implemented in the external module
"cmethod", and I call that method on an instance, it gets passed a NULL
pointer as its "self" argument and so has no access to the instance's "data"

I found a workaround using a wrapper method which calls a C function,
passing the instance as a separate argument. It works, and I cannot see any
disadvantage. It's just not as elegant as I'd like it to be, and I don't
understand WHY the C "method" doesn't receive a pointer to the Python
instance. Maybe somebody can clarify.

Here's what happens when I build, install and run the minimal example below:

rl at dc:~/c/cwsf/python_module$ python test.py
py_method(): <__main__.Test instance at 0xb71f5a2c>
c_method(): self at (nil)
c_function(): self at (nil), instance at 0xb71f5a2c
<__main__.Test instance at 0xb71f5a2c>
'Some data'
c_function(): self at (nil), instance at 0xb71f5a2c
<__main__.Test instance at 0xb71f5a2c>
'New Data'
rl at dc:~/c/cwsf/python_module$

Minimal example files:

========================== test.py ===================================

import cmethod

class Test():
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = "Some data"

    def wrapper(self):
        return cmethod.c_function(self)

def py_method(self):
    print "py_method(): %s" % repr(self)

# add methods to the class "after the fact"
Test.py_method = py_method
Test.c_method = cmethod.c_method

foo = Test()
foo.py_method() # works as expected
foo.c_method()  # is passed NULL in its self argument, why?
foo.wrapper()   # works fine, updates "data" attribute
foo.wrapper()   # works fine, sees updated "data" attribute

==================== cmethod.c =======================================

#include <Python.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static PyObject *c_method(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    (void) args; /* not used */
    fprintf(stderr, "c_method(): self at %p\n",
        (void*) self); /* always prints 0x0 */
    return Py_None;

static PyObject *c_function(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    PyObject *instance;
    PyObject *o;
    /* Retrieve instance from wrapper through argument tuple: WORKS */
    PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "c_function", 1, 1, &instance);
    fprintf(stderr, "c_function(): self at %p, instance at %p\n",
        (void*) self, (void*) instance);
    PyObject_Print(instance, stderr, 0); fputc('\n', stderr);
    /* Get and set attributes of instance: WORKS */
    o = PyObject_GetAttrString(instance, "data");
    PyObject_Print(o, stderr, 0); fputc('\n', stderr);
    PyObject_SetAttrString(instance, "data",
        PyString_FromString("New Data"));
    /* Side question: Do I have to DECREF "o"? */
    return Py_None;

static PyMethodDef methods[] =
     {"c_method", c_method, METH_VARARGS, "I want to be a class method"},
     {"c_function", c_function, METH_VARARGS, "I am a function"},
     {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}

PyMODINIT_FUNC initcmethod(void)
     (void) Py_InitModule("cmethod", methods);

======================== setup_cmethod.py ===========================

from distutils.core import setup, Extension

module1 = Extension('cmethod', sources = ['cmethod.c'])

setup (name = 'cmethod',
        version = '0.1',
        description = 'struggling to implement a class method in C',
        ext_modules = [module1])


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