non-blocking getkey?

Christian Gollwitzer auriocus at
Wed Nov 18 04:14:45 EST 2015

Am 18.11.15 um 09:39 schrieb Ulli Horlacher:
> In my program (for python 2.7) the user must enter file names with
> mouse copy+paste. I use:
> while True:
>    file = raw_input(prompt)
>    if file == '': break
>    files.append(file)
> How can I implement such a get_paste() function?
> I need a non-blocking getkey() function.
> It must work on Windows and Linux.

Non-blocking I/O from the commandline is OS specific. There are 
different solutions, and it's usually hacky (stty on Linux, Console API 
on Windows)

Why do you not use a proper GUI toolkit to do this? It is 
straight-forward to accept keystrokes, copy/paste and drag'n'drop with 
most toolkits. Especially if you target Windows users, I think they 
would be more than happy to get a GUI app then to open a terminal window 
and paste something there. The standard terminal on Windows is very 
ugly, can't resize the width, and pasting works only if you right-click 
-> paste.


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