Which type should be used when testing static structure appartenance

Nicolas Évrard nicoe at altern.org
Tue Nov 17 09:27:39 EST 2015


I saw the following retweet by Raymond Hettinger in this morning:


    Programming tip: many of those arrays and hashes in your code
    should actually be sets. Match data structures to data

I saw just in time because in a review I wrote something like this:

    if operator not in ('where', 'not where')

and my colleague proposed that I should use a list instead of a tuple.
But reading the mentioned tweet I tend to think that a set would be a
better choice.

What are your opinion on this issue (I realize it's not something of
the utmost importance but rather a "philosophical" question).

Nicolas Évrard - B2CK SPRL
E-mail/Jabber: nicolas.evrard at b2ck.com
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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