cPickle.load vs. file.read+cPickle.loads on large binary files

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Tue Nov 17 09:14:18 EST 2015

andrea.gavana at gmail.com wrote:

> Hello List,
>      I am working with relatively humongous binary files (created via
>      cPickle), and I stumbled across some unexpected (for me) performance
>      differences between two approaches I use to load those files:
> 1. Simply use cPickle.load(fid)
> 2. Read the file as binary using file.read() and then use cPickle.loads on
> the resulting output
> In the snippet below, the MakePickle function is a dummy function that
> generates a relatively big binary file with cPickle (WARNING: around 3 GB)
> in the current directory. I am using NumPy arrays to make the file big but
> my original data structure is much more complicated, and things like HDF5
> or databases are currently not an option - I'd like to stay with pickles.
> The ReadPickle function simply uses cPickle.load(fid) on the opened binary
> file, and on my PC it takes about 2.3 seconds (approach 1).
> The ReadPlusLoads function reads the file using file.read() and then use
> cPickle.loads on the resulting output (approach 2). On my PC, the
> file.read() process takes 15 seconds (!!!) and the cPickle.loads only 1.5
> seconds.
> What baffles me is the time it takes to read the file using file.read():
> is there any way to slurp it all in one go (somehow) into a string ready
> for cPickle.loads without that much of an overhead?
> Note that all of this has been done on Windows 7 64bit with Python 2.7
> 64bit, with 16 cores and 100 GB RAM (so memory should not be a problem).
> Thank you in advance for all suggestions :-) .
> Andrea.
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     ReadPickle()
>     ReadPlusLoads()

Do you get roughly the same times when you execute ReadPlusLoads() before 

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