Learning Python from the tutorial (was: What function is 'u0, j = random(), 0'?)

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sat Nov 14 22:03:46 EST 2015

Zachary Ware <zachary.ware+pylist at gmail.com> writes:

> I've noticed you sending a lot of questions in the past day or two,
> many at a fairly basic level.  I think you would be well-served to
> read through the tutorial at https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial.

Better than merely reading through it: Anyone who wants to learn Python
from the official tutorial should *work through* the tutorial. Run each
example, read the tutorial to get an explanation, experiment to test
whether you understand. Only then, continue on.

 \       “I bought some powdered water, but I don't know what to add.” |
  `\                                                    —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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