Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.

MRAB python at
Sat Nov 14 19:49:33 EST 2015

On 2015-11-14 22:53, Random832 wrote:
> Marko Rauhamaa <marko at> writes:
>> Actually, the real question is, is the unary - *really* so useful that
>> it merits existence or is it just something that was mindlessly copied
>> into programming languages from elementary school arithmetics?
> The alternative, if you want to be able to specify negative numbers at
> all, is to put - in the literal syntax. So what's "x-1"?
> I suppose you could use some *different* symbol in the literal syntax
> for negative numbers. I had a calculator once that used a different
> symbol (looked like a small superscript minus sign) for it. But Python
> is limited to ASCII for basic syntax elements for good reasons.
APL uses "¯" ('\N{MACRON}'), e.g. "¯1".

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