Jython standalone

vjp2.at at at.BioStrategist.dot.dot.com vjp2.at at at.BioStrategist.dot.dot.com
Sat Nov 14 19:35:49 EST 2015

Jython is python in java at jython.org. 

I tried clicking and double clicking.

I does a wait cycle (rotating arrow) 
then returns to attention.

I'm trying to run RDKIT, an app written for jython.
THen I realised jython wasn't working at all.

I've had same problem with some java jars. 
I only keep java jars that respond.
If they don't respond, I assume they don't work.
But now I'm wondering.

				    - = -
 Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
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