Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Fri Nov 13 16:17:59 EST 2015

On 2015-11-13, Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at> wrote:

> Either retain the read data between calls, or call seek(0) before
> reading it again.

It has always saddened me that Python files don't have a rewind()
method.  On Unix, calling rewind() is the same as calling seek(0), so
it's utterly pointless except as an amusing anachronistic name: it
always made me smile when called rewind() on a file in a filesystem on
a hard-drive.  Interestingly, you can't you can't (and never could)
use rewind() to rewind a tape. You use an ioctl() system call for

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! HUGH BEAUMONT died
                                  at               in 1982!!

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