corrupt download with urllib2

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Tue Nov 10 08:40:59 EST 2015

Ulli Horlacher wrote:

>     if u.getcode() == 200:
>       print(,file=szo,end='')
>       szo.close()
>     else:
>       die('cannot get %s - server reply: %d' % (szurl,u.getcode()))

More random remarks:

- print() gives the impression that you are dealing with text, and using it
  with binary strings will produce surprising results when you migrate to
  Python 3:

Python 2:

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> print(b"foo")

Python 3:

>>> print(b"foo")

- with open(...) ensures that the file is closed when an exception occurs.
  It doesn't matter here as your script is going to die() anyway, but using
  with is a got habit to get into.
- consider shutil.copyfileobj to limit memory usage when dealing with data
  of arbitrary size.

Putting it together:

    with open(sz, "wb") as szo:
        shutil.copyfileobj(u, szo)

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