Question about math.pi is mutable

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at
Tue Nov 10 05:03:24 EST 2015

Op 10-11-15 om 00:29 schreef Ben Finney:
> Who is doing what to whom? The user of the library isn't doing anything
> to the library author, so what is it the library author would consent
> to? Instead, you seem to be trying to assert a *power* of the library
> author to restrict the library user. Such a power is not granted by
> Python.

Python is not at liberty to grant or deny such a power. Python is just
a vehicle in which code is written. The author of a library can restrict
its use anyway he sees fit.

> Instead, the library author is obliged to treat the library user as an
> adult who consents to the freedoms inherent to Python's design, and to
> not restrict their use of the library needlessly.

There is no such obligation. And if it was an obligation, you can hardly
talk about consenting. Consenting adults mean that either party can
decide on conditions. Once one party is obligated it is no longer consenting.

Antoon Pardon

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