Python version of Ruby devkit - Advice On library compilation

Sayth Renshaw flebber.crue at
Sun Nov 8 19:33:12 EST 2015


I was wondering if there is a reason that we on windows with python do not have a version of Ruby devkit for python. 

Is it just for historical reason of life before pip became the package manager and released with python? 
I can't find the actual post in SO it came off this discussion regarding vcvarsall and related python packaging queries. 

I know it wouldn't solve all pain points as I don't believe(could be wrong here) it would be unable to include Atlas compilation for some scientific libraries but it would be able to compile most targets and reduce the need for alternate implementations, like conda.

Not that there is anything wrong with conda at all except you need to rebuild most of the libraries in binstar to use them, but its virtualenv feature is nice and if you use R its good to.

Someone more windows and library build savvy is this something easily achievable for windows and would it help?



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