Question about math.pi is mutable

BartC bc at
Sun Nov 8 19:11:58 EST 2015

On 09/11/2015 00:00, Ben Finney wrote:
> BartC <bc at> writes:
>> Is this typical Python code? Creating global objects in other modules
>> (or writing all over essential data structures in a library module).
> Not “creating global objects”, but changing the referent of a name in
> some other module. Yes, that's quite a common technique. Does that
> surprise you?

Changing the referent (I assume that just means assigning to it or 
updating the associated value) wouldn't be a problem. Provided the name 
was defined in that other module, because then it is a name the compiler 
would know about.

(And, more importantly, someone reading the code in that module would 
know about.)

> If it surprises you, hopefully you can learn some more Python with this
> new knowledge.

Yes, that it's more of a crazy language than it looks at first; I can 
write a simple module like this:


which looks like an empty module, yet for all I know will end up contain 
hundreds of variables by the time it's run.

(I normally use my own language, that I call 'dynamic', but compared 
with Python it might as well be carved in stone!)


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