How to handle exceptions properly in a pythonic way?

zljubisic at zljubisic at
Mon Nov 2 14:24:36 EST 2015

Let's say that I have the following simple function:

def get_html(url):

    wpage = requests.get(url)
    return wpage.text

How to handle exceptions properly that can arise during execution of the requests.get(url)?

If I call this function with

    html = get_html('')
except ConnectionError:

and ConnectionError exception happens I can handle the exception with service_exception part of the code.

I could also put some try/except block in get_html function, but the only purpose why should I do it,  is to log the url and re rise the error. Is there any other reason why should I do this?
def get_html(url):

        wpage = requests.get(url)
    except ConnectionError:
        flog('warning', 'ConnectionError exception', log_except=True)


Anyway, whenever I am calling the get_html function I should put it in the try/except block and handle all exceptions.
Now which exceptions? Can I know them in advance or I should wait for one to happened and then put it in caller except block?

Let's say that I have called get_html function hundred times in try/except block with ConnectionError part, and now I found a new exception that can happen during execution of the requests.get(url) command. What should I do now?
Should I put the same except block that handles that new exception in every and each of these hundred calls? 

I could also handle all exceptions in get_html function, and in case that I am not able to get the html, I can return None. 

def get_html(url):

        wpage = requests.get(url)
    except ConnectionError:
        flog('warning', 'ConnectionError exception', log_except=True)
    except Exception as e:
        flog("warning", "{0}   [wpage = requests.get(url) {1}]".format(e, url), log_except=True)

        if wpage.status_code ==
            flog('debug', 'wpage.status_code = %s' % wpage.status_code)
            html = wpage.text
            flog('debug', 'url = %s' % url)
            html = None

    return html

Now caller should only check if function has returned something other than None. Caller doesn't need try/except block anymore. Something like this:

if get_html('') is not None:

Now if I want to catch a new exception, I can catch it in get_html function, which is the only change in the program.

I have read some articles that returning None is not a good approach, so I am confused.

How to handle exceptions properly in a pythonic way?


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