PyPy subprocess

LJ luisjosenovoa at
Sun Nov 1 16:27:27 EST 2015

Hi All.

I hope you're having a good weekend. Im working on a large scale optimization problem which invokes the Gurobi solver from python. Before invoking the solver I use pure python to solve five subproblems in parallel using the multiprocessing module. These subproblems are the bottleneck of my procedure. Im wondering if there is a way in which I can use PyPy to solve the just subproblems in parallel, and return to CPython for the overall routines. The reason behind this, is that Gurobipy (python interface for the Gurobi optimization solver) is not compatible with PyPy, and Im seeing savings of 50% in time when using PyPy to somve the subproblems.

Any help would be highly appreciated.


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