Python Paramiko between Linux and Windows Server -- no output obtained from Windows for "dir" or "cd" commands

Pythonista kukki.kanchana at
Sun May 31 03:02:35 EDT 2015

Hello There:

I am using Python 2.7.6 and Paramiko module (on a Linux server) to connect to a Windows server and send some commands and get output. I have a connect function which takes IP, username and password of the remote Windows server and I get an sshobj when that happens. How do I use it to send remote calls is my question?

If it were a local system, I would just say "os.system" but not sure about the remote calls. Can someone help?

My code looks like below: sys.path.append("/home/me/code")

import libs.ssh_connect as ssh
ssh_obj = ssh.new_conn(IP, username, password)

stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_obj.exec_command("dir") #since the remote    system I am SSHing into is Windows.

my "new_conn" looks like this:

import paramiko
def new_conn(IP, username, password):
    ssh_obj = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh_conn.connect(IP, username, password), timeout=30)
    return ssh_obj

if I replaced "dir" with "ipconfig" it works fine. I wonder how I can make "dir" work - or for that matter.. with "cd /path/to/dir"?

I know for paramiko's ssh connection to work, i need cygwin installed on a Windows. Objective is to run commands remotely from a Linux to a Windows server and then process the output again on Linux server or on Windows itself.

I am confused because, "ipconfig" sent from Linux to Windows using "ssh_obj.exec_command("ipconfig")" works but not "ssh_obj.exec_command("dir")" - tried giving the path like "cd C:\Users\Administrator" for cmd or "cd C:" followed by "cd Users/Administrator" like in Cygwin. Neither of them work.

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