assertRaises() help

Cameron Simpson cs at
Wed May 27 18:55:54 EDT 2015

On 27May2015 16:09, Vincent Davis <vincent at> wrote:
>I am trying to add a test to pandas Int the first case I assert that I get
>a NaT value, in the second I what to test that I get a value error.
>() works
>I am trying to duplicate them with coerce=
>False which
>will give a ValueError but I cant get the tests to work.
>class TestDaysInMonth(tm.TestCase):
>    def test_day_not_in_month_coerce_true(self):
>        self.assertTrue(isnull(to_datetime('2015-02-29', coerce=True)))
>        self.assertTrue(isnull(to_datetime('2015-02-29', format="%Y-%m-%d",
>        self.assertTrue(isnull(to_datetime('2015-02-32', format="%Y-%m-%d",
>        self.assertTrue(isnull(to_datetime('2015-04-31', format="%Y-%m-%d",
>    def test_day_not_in_month_coerce_false(self):
>        self.assertRaises(ValueError, to_datetime, '2015-02-29',
>what I get is
>FAIL: test_day_not_in_month_coerce_false
>AssertionError: ValueError not raised.
>From the docs maybe I should be using a "with" statement​.


First, test your test by hand running:

  to_datetime('2015-02-29', coerce=False)

_Does_ it raise ValueError?

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

Q: How many user support people does it take to change a light bulb?
A: We have an exact copy of the light bulb here and it seems to be
   working fine.  Can you tell me what kind of system you have?

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