remote control of a cmd.Cmd() loop (help requested)

Benjamin Risher brisher777 at
Fri May 22 20:27:26 EDT 2015

First, the snippet provided is a contrived example of a much larger program.

(written in python3 with access to 3.4 if necessary)

The goal:  To connect to a listening socket and send commands to the cmd.Cmd() loop running, then show the output to both stdout and the remote connection.

Right now, I have a solution that will work as long as everything that needs to get sent to stdout and the socket is return'd from each function instead of printed.

Because this is already a larger project, I would prefer not to have to go back through and refactor everything to facilitate the remote control (the actual program involves threading and locks etc etc).

I feel like there should be a fairly simple solution dealing with duplicating the file descriptor or something similar.  I've messed around trying to find something like that, but without success.

I've also looked into the contextlib.redirect_stdout, but it expects a file type object.  Also, using socket.makefile() results in the returned object not having a fileno() method, so I can't use select on it.

Basically, I'm hoping someone here knows some file descriptor-fu or some other cleaner solution.

Any help would be appreciated!

remote display ------------- | ------------ menu display

$>nc localhost 12345         | s function called.
s                            | h function called.
s function called.           | Traceback ...
h                            | 44: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'


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