asyncio: What is the difference between tasks, futures, and coroutines?

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Tue May 5 14:03:00 EDT 2015

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 18:48:09 UTC+1, Ian  wrote:
> Fundamentally, a future is a placeholder for something that isn't
> available yet. You can use it to set a callback to be called when that
> thing is available, and once it's available you can get that thing
> from it.

OK, that makes a lot of sense. There seems to be two distinct strands within the asyncio world, the callback model and the task/coroutine model. AIUI, coroutines/tasks are supposed to let you avoid callbacks.

So I guess in that model, a Future isn't something you should use directly in task-based code, because it works via callbacks. And yet tasks are futures, so it's not that simple :-)

> In asyncio, a Task is a a Future that serves as a placeholder for the
> result of a coroutine. The event loop manages callbacks, and that's
> all it does.

Um, I thought it scheduled tasks?

> An event that it's been told to listen for occurs, and
> the event loop calls the callback associated with that event. The Task
> manages a coroutine's interaction with the event loop; when the
> coroutine yields a future, the Task instructs the event loop to listen
> for the completion of that future, setting a callback that will resume
> the coroutine.

OK, that (to an extent) explains how the callback and task worlds link together. That's useful.

> The coroutines themselves are not that interesting of an interface;
> all you can do with them is resume them. The asynchronous execution
> done by asyncio is all based on futures. Because a coroutine can
> easily be wrapped in a Task, this allows for coroutines to be used
> anywhere a future is expected.

And yet, futures are callback-based whereas tasks are suspension-point (yield from) based. I get a sense of what you're saying, but it's not very clear yet :-)

> I don't know if I've done a good job explaining, but I hope this helps.

It's all helping. It's a shame the docs don't do a better job of explaining the underlying model, to be honest, but I do feel like I'm slowly getting closer to an understanding.

It's no wonder terminology is such a hot topic in the discussion of the new async PEP on python-dev :-(


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