Writing list of dictionaries to CSV

Kashif Rana kashifrana84 at gmail.com
Tue May 5 13:09:30 EDT 2015

Hello Experts

When I am writing list of dictionaries to CSV file, the key 'schedule' has value 'Mar 2012' becomes Mar-12. I really do not have clue why thats happening. Below is the code. 

dic_1 = {'action': 'permit',
 'dst-address': 'maxprddb-scan-167, maxprddb-scan-168, maxprddb-scan-169',
 'from': 'DMZ Web',
 'id': '1000',
 'log': 'Enable, session-init',
 'name': 'Test Rule Temporary ',
 'service': '1521, Oraccle-Maximo-Scan-1550, PING-ALL',
 'src-address': 'sparkeregap1, sparkeregap2',
 'to': 'Trust'}

dic_2 {'action': 'permit',
 'dst-address': 'sparkcas01, sparkcas02, email.ab.spark.net',
 'from': 'DMZ Web',
 'id': '4000',
 'log': 'Enable, session-init',
 'schedule': 'Mar 2012',
 'service': 'SMTP',
 'src-address': 'sparkeregap1, sparkeregap2',
 'to': 'Trust'}
 my_list = 
 [{'to': 'Trust', 'service': '1521, Oraccle-Maximo-Scan-1550, PING-ALL', 'from': 'DMZ Web', 'dst-address': 'maxprddb-scan-167, maxprddb-scan-168, maxprddb-scan-169', 'name': 'Test Rule Temporary ', 'action': 'permit', 'id': '1000', 'src-address': 'sparkeregap1, sparkeregap2', 'log': 'Enable, session-init'}, {'to': 'Trust', 'from': 'DMZ Web', 'dst-address': 'sparkcas01, sparkcas02, email.ab.spark.net', 'service': 'SMTP', 'schedule': 'Mar 2012', 'action': 'permit', 'id': '4000', 'src-address': 'sparkeregap1, sparkeregap2', 'log': 'Enable, session-init'}]

 pol_keys = ['id', 'name', 'from', 'to', 'src-address', 'dst-address', 'service', 'action', 'nat_status', 'nat_type', 'nat_src_ip', 'nat_dst_ip', 'nat_dst_port', 'log', 'schedule']
with open('test.csv', 'wb') as f:
	w = csv.DictWriter(f, pol_keys)

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